Catalyst & Delighted CSAT Projects

 In this article:

Suggested next article: The Email Platform: Sending CX surveys via Email.

About Delighted's CSAT surveys for Catalyst

Catalyst taps into Delighted's pre-built CX surveys — allowing a seamless automation of your Catalyst CSAT, NPS, or other CX survey campaigns.

With Delighted's proven CX projects, you'll gather valid and reliable feedback without the hassle. Soon you'll be analyzing and acting on the results within your preferred environment — Catalyst.

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Connecting Delighted CSAT surveys to Catalyst

While Catalyst and Delighted are independent platforms, they work together to seamlessly automate and report out your CSAT survey results — so you can sit back, sip your morning coffee, and enjoy monitoring your CSAT!

Switch it up!

While most Catalyst users rely on CSAT, you can switch it up and run NPS, 5-Star, CES, PMF, eNPS, Thumbs, or Smilies evergreen survey campaigns if you wish.

How it works :

Delighted connects with Catalyst using the respective Salesforce integrations. Delighted can then automatically trigger Delighted's CSAT or other CX surveys and syncs them with Salesforce under the contact record — Catalyst will instantly grab the data and update the desired fields. 

For more key info, review this Catalyst Salesforce integration article and our Delighted's Salesforce Integration page.  If you need more help, speak to your Catalyst Success representative. (Link to the Catalyst Success Line to get the discussion going.)  

Are you ready to get started?  Then take the next step and create your CSAT project in Delighted. It will only take a few minutes. 

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Creating a CSAT Project for Catalyst

CX survey campaigns are organized into Projects. Create and launch a project in 7 simple steps .

Click “Create a new project” 
  • If this is your first project, you'll skip this step
Pick your Primary metric question

Choose a Distribution platform

Add your Branding
  • Including color scheme, logo, text, language, etc.
  • Click "Next: Additional questions" to advance

Include Additional questions

  • Additional questions are Optional
  • Include up to 10 new questions
  • Click "Next: Thank you page" to advance

Adjust your Thank you page

  • Editing your Thank you message is optional
  • Click "Save Changes" to advance
Finalize your distribution platform(s) 

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Sending to your people from the Email platform

Delighted automatically embeds the first question in your email, ensuring a frictionless and intuitive survey experience for your recipients  — on both desktop and mobile devices.

One-time vs Autopilot sends?

There are two options for the Email platform. Get the details by following these links:

1 One-time Surveys can be sent immediately or scheduled for sending in the future with the  One-time survey feature
2 Autopilot Repeating or recurring surveys can be scheduled with the  Autopilot feature

Combine One-time and Autopilot sends to set initial benchmarks

You can mix both sending options by sending your email survey to all of your recipients immediately with a One-time send, and then dropping them into Autopilot for future, follow-up CSAT data collection. 

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Links to 10 more things . . .

. . . you can do with your CSAT project
1 Engage with your Dashboard's Trends and filtering
2 Add Additional questions
3 Test and preview you surveys.
4 Update your Customization: text, email addresses, logo, colors
5 Send Email Reminders
6 See who has bounced or unsubscribed
7 Refine Thank You Pages
8 Seek Testimonials
9 Analyze Reports: Over Time, Snapshot, Pivot Table, Additional Questions, NPS Benchmarks
10 Translate your Survey projects

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