The Embed Platform: Embedding CX surveys in your Emails

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Introducing the Embed platform

Embedding Delighted CX surveys into your marketing emails makes it easy to capture feedback and control the survey experience. If you send emails through Klaviyo, Mailchimp, HubSpot, or another marketing or email provider, why not embed your survey?

How it works!

The Embed platform uses the customization and appearance of the Delighted Email platform, while delivering the survey experience with the Link platform.

Note: Make sure you have the Link platform set up before you request your HTML code from our team.

There are 3 simple steps: 

  1. Request your survey HTML
  2. Add the HTML to your email platform
  3. Pass properties through the embedded survey links — optional

Don't skip the Comment page question!

Make sure you don't "Skip the comment prompt" for a survey project you plan to send with the Embed platform. The Comment page helps us know on the backend that a response is real (i.e., not from a bot)

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1. Requesting your survey's HTML

To request your HTML Embed code:

Select "Edit and Send"
Click "Email for code" under the Embed platform tile → (this will draft an email to our team requesting the code for the project you're currently working in)

Need help? No worries

Just send us a note to request your survey's embed HTML. Simply let us know which project you need the HTML for → and double-check to make sure you've set up the Link platform in advance!

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2. Adding the HTML to your email platform

For most marketing automation platforms or email service providers, adding the survey HTML to your email project will be as easy as inserting a code block for custom HTML — then pasting the HTML we shared over! 

We've created short videos to show exactly how its done for a few popular platforms:

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3. Passing properties through the embedded survey links — optional

By default, your embedded surveys will be anonymous (you won't know who submitted each response). If you want to capture respondent email addresses or purchase details, you can do so by appending those details to the end of the survey links within your HTML.

In the HTML we send your way, each button is linked to an individual score button that captures the respondent's answer to the primary Metric question. It's to these links that can append any property names and values that you want to capture.

This video explains how to format the links to append properties. This method uses query strings to pass the properties, in the format &propertyname=value

  • Note that the "Edit and send" button has replaced "Survey people" button

So you can have just one link working for all of your respondents, you'll want to use dynamic variables when building these links. For example, instead of saying, you'll use the variables in your email platform to set email={{ email variable }}

The format of that email variable will depend on the email platform you're using. Here's a list of available variables for some popular providers:

Send us a note if you have any questions about passing your properties over.

If you're having trouble finding the right variables to use, reach out to your email provider for those details.

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