Thank You Pages

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Suggested next article: Close the Loop.

Don't let the journey end at "Thanks!"

Unlock the power of post-survey engagement to drive results. 

Thank you pages can convert promoters to cheerleaders, give help to detractors, or offer special promotions to your respondents. For an example, read 6 Thank you page customizations for NPS projects.

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Customizing Thank you pages

Customize each Thank you page independently for each platform

Tweak your Thank you messages to match the uniqueness of your Link, Email, Web, and Kiosk campaigns. It's a little extra work, but worth the effort. 

To customize the Thank you page associated with a selected platform:
Choose "Edit and send"
Most platforms: Click the "pencil" icons
For Email: Click the "gear" icon → and choose "Edit survey"
Click the "Thank you page" tab

From here, you'll have two options: 

A “Same message for everyone” Display the same Thank you page to all respondents for a selected platform
B “Different messages based on score” Offer up unique pages based on score selection

A. Using the "Same message for everyone"

You can manipulate these three fields in your Thank you page with the same message option:

Message: Optional: Provide any message you’d like to display — within a 300 character limit. Note: The "Thanks, we really appreciate your feedback" header can't be edited
Link text: Optional: We’ll hyperlink the text you provide in this field
Link URL: Optional: We'll direct traffic to the URL or email you provide in this field

B. Using "Different messages based on score" 

In the steps that follow, we'll demo how to add a custom message for "Detractors" in an NPS project. 

To add a unique message for Detractors (0-6):

Choose "Edit and send"
Most platforms: Click the "pencil" icons
For Email: Click the "gear" icon → and choose "Edit survey"
Click the "Thank you page" tab
Pick "Different messages based on score"
Enter your message → (ex. "What can we do to improve your experience?")
Optional: Enter your "Link text" → (ex. "Please talk to us!")
Optional: Enter your "Link URL"
Save your changes!

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Skipping the Thank you page

If you'd like to bypass the Thank you page entirely and go straight to an external site, use the "Skip thank you page" checkbox. 

Then, enter a redirect URL into in the Link URL box and whisk your participants off to an alternative page. 

Choose "Edit and send"
Most platforms: Click the "pencil" icons
For Email: Click the "gear" icon → and choose "Edit survey"
Select the "Thank you page" tab
Click "Skip thank you page"
Optional: Enter your redirect URL
Optional: Pick "Save changes"

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6 Thank you page customizations for NPS projects

Maximizing your NPS promoter feedback

Your promoters are your most vocal advocates. Beyond simple satisfaction, promoters are actively recommending your brand, increasing their annual spend, and generally solidifying themselves as long-term and loyal customers. 

Here are some ways to use Thank you pages to mobilize your promoters:

1. Route to an external review page

When promoters leave positive feedback on an external review site (like Yelp), you’re receiving cost-free promotion. Setting up a Thank you page to route to a review site can stir-up new business and motivate new customers.

2. Redirect to an internal referral page

Many companies have an internal referral page that customers can use to share their experiences with friends, family, and colleagues. Since your promoters are already enthusiastic, why not provide them with a direct path to your referral page?

3. Use a Mailto referral

Don’t currently have a referral page, but still interested in having your promoters refer a friend? A mailto in the Link URL field is a great way to call your promoters to action with a preassembled email message.

The above mailto link will draft the email below, just requiring the Promoter to fill in the “To” field in the email:

Interested in putting together a similar mailto link for your Thank you page? Let us know—we’re happy to help!

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Preventing fallout from NPS passives and detractors

Criticism is inevitable and painful, but it can also be an invaluable tool to give you and your team the insights you need to resolve your customers’ concerns and improve moving forward.

You can intervene before passives and detractors become active advocates against your organization by closing the loop, starting with the Thank you page experience.

4. Lead with an apology (when necessary)

This idea is pretty straightforward, but it is often overlooked. Detractors (and some passives) are clearly not satisfied with their experience, so it's helpful to take a moment to recognize that dissatisfaction. Adding a brief apology in the “Message” field can help convey a sense of empathy and ownership of any outstanding issues.

5. Indicate that the gears are in motion

Responding to surveys can often feel like dropping feedback into a black hole. In most cases, customers never expect to hear back from a company or have no idea when they will be contacted. Use the Thank you page to provide an expectation of when passives and detractors can expect a follow-up from your team (ex. “We’ll be in touch within 48 hours to chat about your experience”). An understanding of impending support can help limit respondents from sharing negative feedback with others.

6. Provide an escalated support contact

A lot can happen in between the time you receive a response and the time it may take to follow-up with a concerned customer. In the meantime, detractors may post a negative review or share a bad experience with colleagues. 

To mitigate this dilemma, integrate an Alert or use one of our help desk integrations to make sure you’re following up quickly, and give your detractors a direct line to an escalated support contact just in case. This will give your respondents the reassurance that their feedback has been taken seriously, and an outlet to escalate emergency situations.

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Can I set different Thank you page for different customer segments?


Whether sending Thank you pages in different languages, or targeting different messages for specific customer segments (like those who shopped at different locations), you can pass along special properties to dynamically update the Thank you pages on a per-person basis. Check out our article on Special Properties for more details.

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Can I include social media buttons or multiple links on the Thank you page?

We currently only support a single text-based link for the Thank you page.

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