The Benchmarks Report

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Introducing the NPS Benchmarks report

The NPS Benchmarks report includes data from over 10k consumers, across a wide array of industries, in order to deliver a powerful tool to better contextualize your score against other industry leaders.

The Benchmarks report is currently only available on NPS projects.

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Data visualizations in the NPS Benchmarks report

In this section, we'll review the visualizations available in the NPS Benchmarks report.

  1. NPS benchmarks range
  2. The chart
  3. The score breakdown

1. NPS benchmarks range

The first visualization on the NPS Benchmarks report is the score range, which includes a handful of key industry metrics:

  • Industry low score
  • Industry average score
  • Industry high score
  • Your NPS (including the percentile)

2. The chart

Underneath the score range is the benchmarks chart. 

3. The score breakdown

The score breakdown gives a table version of the monthly data shown in the above chart, including the NPS score, industry average, difference, and overall percentile for that respective industry:

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Filtering the NPS Benchmarks report

Use the three drop-down menus on the Benchmarks report page to adjust:

  • Industry
  • Time range
  • Trend / Score (you can restrict responses to a particular score group - such as Promoters - or Trend)
A note about date filters

Filtering your report by date will filter feedback based on when the response was submitted, not based on when the survey was originally sent. This is different than the Metrics tab, which filters engagement data based on when you scheduled your surveys.

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Use case: When should I use the NPS Benchmarks report?

We recommend using the Benchmarks report any time you're building an internal report, whether that be for stakeholders, specific departments, or an organization-wide recap. Simply screenshot the results, or point your colleagues (who have access to CX) to a link to the Benchmarks page to check it out directly.

The NPS Benchmarks offer a fantastic way to contextualize your score, providing easy-to-understand visuals that show how your company's NPS is trending over time as compared to average industry performance. 

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