Admin Extras: Module 8: Automating and integrating Delighted

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Module 8

Automation options, summarized

Make your program easier to manage by automating your program in a sustainable way. Automation will increase your program’s reliability, centralize your processes, and save you time. Yes, all of that!  

Ultimately, Delighted's focus is to help you direct your automation seamlessly into your existing tech stack—whatever it takes to keep your surveys flowing smoothly.

To start things off, let’s look at this snapshot summarizing how each platform can support your automation goals. As you can see, some platforms are Always On, like Link surveys. This contrasts with triggered solutions like Email. Also, notice that certain platforms can be triggered by our growing family of integrations. 

Sending manually “Always-on” surveys Sending triggered automatically with Autopilot Sending automatically with triggered surveys
Email One-time sends
In-platform API Integrations API

Native platform
Link/ QR code Link in another platform Native platform

Native platform


Native platform
Embed* Embed in another platform

Embed in another platform
* About Embed

Embed is currently in beta, a program you can now join!

Embed CX surveys in your marketing emails (Klaviyo, Mailchimp, HubSpot, etc.) and enhance the whole experience. Learn more in this article: The Embed Platform: Embedding Surveys in your Emails.

Because it's still im beta, it won't be tested in the Admin exam — not yet anyway!

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Automating with Delighted

Relying solely on Delighted’s internal automation tools, you can: 

Deploy "always-on" surveys

“Always on” surveys are available passively. They jump to life when a respondent takes action. These include Links and QR codes placed in accessible locations, like a survey link on a “Contact us” webpage or a QR code on the back of a sales receipt. A Kiosk survey in a retail store is another good example. Our practice quizzes are always on, ready to deliver the next quiz with a single click! (This is a subtle way for us to hint that the quizzes are a great way to prepare for the Admin Certification exam.)

🎶  Head to the Show Notes for links to articles on how to set up Delighted’s "always-on" solutions.

Use Autopilot for recurring Email sends

Automate Email sends with Autopilot. Autopilot lets you upload a panel once and then schedule recurring surveys on a regular cadence:

To use Autopilot:

Click "Edit and send"
Select "Survey people" under the Email platform
Click the "Autopilot" tab
Select how frequently Autopilot should send the survey. Menu options include 3, 6, and 12 months
Import a batch of people into Autopilot
Click "Next: Review" 

Review a snapshot of your uploaded panel 

Once confirmed, click "Add [x] people to Autopilot" to finalize

Automate Reminders to increase response rates

After one week, automated Reminders can be sent to people who haven't opened the original survey. Reminders are proven to increase response rates by reengaging folks who may have overlooked your survey in their inboxes. No reminders are sent if someone opens a survey and decides not to respond. 

To enable Reminders:

  1. Open the project
  2. Click "Edit and send"
  3. Click the "Gear" icon to the right of the Email platform
  4. Choose "Configure Reminders"
  5. Click "Turn on"

🎶  Rest easy. Reminders do not count towards your plan's sending limit.

Activate Alerts to your team

Alerts will notify your team when feedback is submitted based on predefined criteria, such as:

  • a specific Scale point being selected (like Dissatisfied)
  • a response contains a Comment, or
  • a response matches a predefined Trend

To set up an Alert:

  1. Click the "Integrations" tab 
  2. Choose "Alerts"
  3. In the dropdown, specify the conditions that will trigger the Alert 
  4. Enter the Email addresses of the team that needs the alert (Sending a test email at this stage is always a good idea!)
  5. Click "Save changes"

Setting up an Alert workflow using a Trend is a three-part process:

  1. Determine what keyword(s) or property value your team wants to track
  2. Create a Trend for the keywords or property value
  3. Create an Alert based on the Trend (It’s that easy.)

🎶 Read more about Alerts in the Alerts Help Center article.

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Delighted integrations, summarized

Delighted has placed a robust family of integrations at your disposal.  Integrations are like acoustic shells enveloping an orchestra, amplifying and reflecting sound with focus and clarity towards the audience.  Integrations in your tech stack can have the same amplifying effect on your Delighted survey sends.

Scanning through all of the available integrations is as easy as clicking the Integrations link. You’ll also see Delighted’s robust REST API at the top of the list. The API will let your team build fully custom solutions if needed.

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Trigger-based integrations

Trigger-based integrations will enable your team to distribute surveys automatically following key events defined in your external platforms. For example, when connecting to the Shopify integration, you can say, “Every time an order is marked as fulfilled, send an email survey 7 days later.” (That’s a mouthful, but both Delighted and Shopify know exactly how to execute your plan).

Some of the most popular trigger-based integrations are:

To distribute surveys via an integration: 

  1. Set up the Email platform first
  2. Head to the Integrations tab and select the tile for the integration you want to use
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to make the connection

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Syncing-based integrations

Delighted also offers syncing-based integrations, which will take all your valuable customer feedback and automatically push that data to specified external platforms.

Some of the most popular syncing integrations include:

To sync feedback to other platforms via an integration: 

  1. Head to the Integrations tab and select the tile for the integration you want to use
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to make the connection
  3. Start receiving feedback to see it sync to your external platform

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Custom integration use cases

Not seeing a pre-built (or “native”) integration with the platform you want to connect to? Don’t lose hope! There are still three ways you can connect your tech stack with Delighted:

Use case 1: Zapier

Zapier, a workflow automation platform, can be a great solution for automated sending or syncing when the platform you want to connect with doesn’t have a pre-built Delighted integration.

Delighted has a Zapier app supporting all of the Delighted API endpoints using a graphic interface. This interface side-steps the painstaking work of writing API calls. (There are no API or technical skills required!) And if the platform you’re wanting to connect to also has a Zapier app, this gets even easier!

Click the link in the Show Notes to learn more about Zapier.

Use case 2: Middleware

Not using Zapier? Delighted is also supported by other middleware tools (i.e. third-party solutions that automate the connection of Delighted with your tech stack).

Some of the popular syncing middleware solutions are:

Use case 3: REST API and webhooks

If Delighted doesn’t have a pre-built integration with the platform that you want to use to send or analyze your surveys, such as an internal system or less common CRM, you can use our REST API and webhooks. Delighted’s API (Application Programming Interface) can automate key components of your feedback program.

Leveraging the Delighted REST API and webhooks does require some technical know-how, so be sure to plan accordingly for those extra resources.

The crux of the engineering work will be around setting up the integration, determining what triggers the surveys or syncing, and initial testing. However, many folks fully integrate within a matter of days, so it is certainly possible to expedite the process.

Sending with the API

For firing off API-based requests to trigger surveys:

  1. Develop a script/code that triggers based on key actions on your side (ex. triggering after a purchase event, 1 month post-purchase, etc.)
  2. Fire off a request to our sending endpoint (
  3. Ensure the request includes any customer details, delay values, as well as Properties, so you can use those for segmentation purposes later
  4. Finally, let Delighted dispatch the survey to the customer

Syncing Data with the API

For syncing data from Delighted to an external platform (ex. BI tool, dashboard solution, etc.), the process would be:

  1. Develop a script/code that polls the preferred Delighted endpoint on a recurring basis. The specific endpoint depends on the type of data you’re looking to retrieve, but would typically be the Listing Survey Responses endpoint, Listing People endpoint, or Getting Metrics endpoint
  2. Fire off a request to the above endpoint(s) using a GET request
  3. Ensure the request includes any necessary parameters (ex. many endpoints offer the option of specifying a specific timeframe for the data pull)
  4. Delighted will then return the requested data

🎶 Need your data in real-time? Try using our webhooks to have Delighted data automatically pushed to the server endpoints that you specify. Also, you can automate the deletion of people from your panel from within Delighted or via the API. Read more about Webhooks and the API in the Show Notes.

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Module 8 practice quiz

And with that, we’re done! It was a lot, to be sure. We hope you’ll go on and challenge the Certification test. Rest assured, we’ll help you get through the process and come out with your Certification.

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Show Notes № 8

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