Stripe Integration

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Stripe integration overview

Delighted’s Stripe integration will automatically send surveys after customers make a one-time payment or sign up for a subscription. The integration also allows you to send recurring surveys to subscribed customers.

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Setting up the Stripe integration

Head to the "Integrations" tab → scroll down → and choose “Stripe”
Click “Connect to Stripe.”
You’ll be redirected to Stripe. Log into your account when prompted
Grant access to Delighted
You’ll be directed back to Delighted. Configure the options for sending surveys
Optional: Check the button to conduct a one-time backfill
Click “Save & turn on”
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What details passed over with Stripe responses?

We pull in the following property data associated with each Stripe payment/subscription:

  • Stripe Customer Created
  • Stripe Customer Created Month
  • Stripe Customer Created Year
  • Stripe Customer Id
  • Stripe Customer Length Months
  • Stripe Subscription Coupon Used
  • Stripe Subscription Length Months
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Id
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Interval
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Name
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Price
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Price Amount
  • Stripe Subscription Plan Price Currency
  • Stripe Subscription Start
  • Stripe Subscription Start Month
  • Stripe Subscription Start Year

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What happens if someone cancels their subscription?

Before sending out a recurring survey from the Stripe integration, we will check to make sure that customer is still subscribed. If their subscription has been canceled, we will not send out a survey.

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How does the backfill work?

The backfill will send surveys to 10% of customers with payments from the past 6 months.

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Can I set a custom survey delay?


Send us a note with the delay you’d like to use and we can set that up.

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