Admin Extras: Finding and customizing starter projects as a standard user

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Requesting your survey type from your Admin

Welcome to Delighted! Somewhere out there, an Admin user has created a survey project with your name on it. The goal of this brief is to help you locate and customize that project successfully.

At the start, you’ll need to inform your Admin of the Survey Type you’ll require for your project.  There are survey types for every use case. They include:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) 
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)
  • 5-Star
  • Smileys
  • Thumbs 
  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
  • Product/Market Fit (PMF)

Each type reveals a unique set of corresponding metrics. The choice is important. Yes, you can change it later, but only by deleting the project and starting over again. (Why go back to the drawing board?)

To listen to a brief overview of survey types, go to our Core Certification Video Module 2: All About Creating Surveys. It’s only 10 minutes long, but it will give you a great preview of things to come.

For all the nitty-gritty details, read our Survey Types Overview in the Delighted Help Center. It’s here where our experts remove the mysteries behind each survey type.

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Accepting an invitation to join a starter project

For security reasons, Admins must create “starter” projects for you and others in your organization. A starter project is just the basic shell of a project that you can turn into whatever you need it to be.

If you already have a Delighted account under your organization, simply log into it at and you’ll find the “starter” project under the Projects dropdown menu. If you’ve never logged in to Delighted before, you’ll want to locate the invitation email sent to you by your team’s Admin.

To create an account and join a project:


Open the invitation email and click the Join link


Create your Delighted account by setting up a password. Your password must be at least 10 characters long. Once you’ve logged in to Delighted, you will see the Ready to Join? screen. Clicking Join completes the process.


Moving forward, new projects that you are given access to will appear in your projects menu.

In the future, to sign into Delighted:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Enter your email and password
  4. Choose Sign in

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You may have joined multiple projects. To navigate between projects:

  1. Click the chevron next to the current project’s name in the top left-hand corner of Delighted
  2. Select the “starter” project that you want to open (ex. CSAT Support)

"I don't see my starter project!"

No need to panic. You may be logged into the wrong account. Do you have an older Delighted account? Does the Dashboard you are looking at now seem eerily familiar? If so:

  1. Click Account
  2. Pick Sign out
  3. Go to
  4. Sign into the organizational account that's associated with the new project that you are trying to access

🎶 If the problems persist, contact your Admin. They’ll know what to do.

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Renaming a project

Let’s start making this your project!  This often starts by changing its name to something you would like to see. FYI: only Admins and Standard users can rename projects. The changed name will appear to any other users that have joined the project.  

To change a project name: 

  1. Open the Projects Menu
  2. Click the Gear icon next to the project’s name. This opens the Edit Project window.
  3. Click inside the Project name box and enter the new name
  4. Click Save changes to return to your project

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Customizing a starter project

Preview the things we are about to demonstrate by watching Core Certification Module 5: All About Survey Customization.  It’s under 11 minutes.  (It’s such a great overview, if we do say so ourselves.)  

To adjust the look and feel of of your survey project:

  1. Click the "Edit and send" button to open the Platforms page 
  2. Here, you’ll have a two options—a or b:
    1. If your desired distribution platform has NOT yet been activated, click the Set up button at the bottom of your preferred platform. This will take you instantly forward to the next step. More information on your distribution Platform choices can be found in the Core Certification Module 4: All About Distribution Platforms. Additional links are found at the end of this article.
    2. If your platform choice has been set up already, a pencil icon will appear in the top-right corner of its platform tile. Click the pencil (or the gear and then "Edit survey" for the Email platform).
  3. From here, you can edit your primary questions, add Additional questions, and even customize the Thank you page.

Follow the options in the platform to make all of the necessary adjustments. For more details on how to customize each distribution platform, check out the links in the Additional Resources section.

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Additional resources

Where do you go from here?  Surprise, surprise—how about viewing more of our Core Certification videos?  Certification is free and completely self-serve, so break a leg. 

Here you go!

Some specific resources in the Help Center we recommend digging into:

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