Module 2: All About Creating Projects

In this module:

  • Creating a CX survey projects.
  • Selecting a survey question type.
  • Picking your distribution platforms.
  • Adding customizations.
  • Sending people your survey.

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Module 2 video

Jump into CX survey setup with this helpful video. In the script, the "Survey people" button has been replaced with the "Edit and send" button. 

Prefer to read along?

Click CC to enable captions in YouTube or read the full transcript below.

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Show Notes № 2

To learn more visit the following sections in the Help Center:

  1. Project Options & Settings
  2. Survey Types
  3. Distribution Platforms & Sending
  4. Survey Customization
  5. Managing People & Properties

Finding and customizing starter projects as a Standard user from the Help Center

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If you wish to follow along with the script, or just prefer reading, a complete transcript of the video can be seen below.

Hi there! This is Ellie with the Delighted Customer Concierge team.
In this video, you’ll pass through a series of five stations (or checkpoints) where you'll learn how to: Create a survey project, Select a survey type (as discussed in Video 1), Pick your distribution platforms, Add customizations, and Send people your survey.
First stop: Station 1: Creating a survey project!
Projects are like an engine, linking and pulling every aspect of your survey together: your survey methods and related questions, distribution platforms, customizations, the people you want to survey, the results as they roll by, and everything else you need for a successful survey campaign. 
When you create your Delighted trial account, we’ll deliver you to your first project. Later in your journey, you may want to add additional projects. It’s easy! Simply select “Create a new project” from your Projects menu and—voila! You’ve just put another locomotive on the tracks, so to speak.
For now though, let’s focus on that first survey project.
So here we are! Your Delighted account will automatically bring you to this page, which we’ll call Station 2. Here, you’ll choose your survey type. This choice will drive the metrics of your campaign, so it’s kind of a big deal. 
Choose a survey type by clicking “Choose and customize” in the tile below your choice. 
Take note: once you set up your survey project, you can’t go back and change the survey type. However, you can always delete your project and start again with a new survey type, so there’s no need to sweat this decision.
For this video, we’ll select NPS—and as quick as that, it’s on to Station 3!
At Station 3, you’ll decide how to distribute your survey to the people you are surveying. Delighted offers multiple distribution channels called “Platforms.”
You can add as many different platforms as you need for your campaign—we’ll start with one, but you can always come back and set up more!
Each platform connects separately to your project. Placing each platform into its own independent “railcar” (metaphorically speaking) will give you flexibility down the line.
After selecting a survey type, you’ll automatically arrive at the Platform selection page, which looks like this!
Platforms include: 
  • Email: the most popular, for sending email surveys directly from Delighted
  • Web: for surveying on your website
  • Link: the most flexible platform, which also generates QR codes
  • Kiosk: for surveying in physical locations on a tablet, and
  • SDK: survey within your own app
So, let’s step onto your platform!
In this video, we’ll set up the Email platform, which is a great place to start.
But first, we need to discuss the discuss the Survey people Edit and send button.
Once you finish the initial setup of your Delighted project, your home page will be your Dashboard. So how do you get back to the Platforms page?
Clicking the Survey people Edit and send button on the Dashboard is a guaranteed return ticket to the Platform selection page. Click it every time you need to add a new platform or when you need to edit an existing one.
Once on the Platforms page, you can click any “Gear” icon and pick from the menu options to make changes to an active platform.
But back to the task at hand: selecting the Email platform. It’s simple! Just choose “Set up.” And with that, let’s chug along to Station 4.
Station 4 lets you customize your platform’s survey— giving it a personalized look and feel to reflect your branding.
Each platform has slightly different options for customization, but they all fall into these general categories:
  • Basic customization: Where you can change the color scheme and logo
  • Question customization: Where you can change the wording of your survey question
  • Email customization: Where you can edit the subject message and reply-to email address
  • Advanced customization: Where you can add a custom introduction and change the language settings
  • Comment page: Where you can edit the text in your comment question. This is the second question in the survey that asks respondents to give context for the score they left.
When you finish customizing, save your changes by clicking “Next: Import people”
With those initial customizations complete, you’ll arrive comfortably at Station 5.
Station 5 is all about the people you will be surveying. We often call these people recipients. As a group, they are called a panel.
For Email, you’ll organize your panel in one of two ways:
First, you can enter a list by hand. Type or paste your email addresses—one per line—into the window.
Or, you can upload a list from a CSV or Excel spreadsheet file. If you have a list in a spreadsheet, save it as a CSV file and simply upload it. Just make sure your emails are in a column labeled “Email” so Delighted will recognize the addresses!
You can start by sending to yourself or some coworkers, or choosing a group of customers to survey right out of the gate! Once you’ve uploaded your list, click “Next: Review,” to review your panel, and then click “Send to people now.” Your survey is on its way.
Before we wrap up, are you in the mood for a little side-trip? In this optional little segment, we’ll travel to Station 5 ¾, to explore how to add Additional Questions and a Thank you page to your survey project.
You may have important data to collect that requires you to  add between 1 and 10 additional questions to your project. Or you want to direct promoters to your website, and passives and detractors to your support team, once the survey has been submitted. So let’s take a little side-trip and see how that’s done!
Setting up Additional Questions is very straightforward.
1. Punch your Return Ticket and click the Survey people Edit and send button
2. Click on the “Gear” icon under the Email platform
3. Select “Configure additional questions”
4. On the following page, select a question type. Areas that are customizable include the question, the options respondents can select, and scale labels.
5. You can choose which score groups will see (or not see) your new question under the aptly named “Who should see this question” section. Delighted uses the score collected on the initial scored question to determine the groupings. For example, NPS divides its groups into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
6. When finished, click “Save question”
7. Repeat for any other questions you'd like to add. The current limit is 10 questions total.
8. Once complete, “Publish” your Additional Questions by clicking “Publish”
If you've already configured Additional Questions, and are just making updates, be sure to “Publish” your recent fixes. (Changes are not visible to people until they are published).
You can also customize your Thank you page at this time. It’s the page that pops up at the end of a survey, thanking your respondents.
To edit the Thank you page, you’ll need to cash in that Return ticket we talked about earlier:
1. Click the Survey people Edit and send button
2. Pick “Customize thank you message” from the gear icon list
3. Make your edits
There are many customization options available to you—including creating separate thank you messages based on someone’s selected score, and setting up a redirect to a Website of your choice. At the end, don’t forget to “Save” your changes.
As soon as you have sent or scheduled your survey, you will be directed back to your Dashboard. You’ll likely see a pop-up in the middle of the screen detailing a feature to explore. This is Delighted’s way of usefully passing the time until your first response arrives, which can be in a matter of seconds.
In the meantime, you can click on any tab in the platform—from Trends to the Survey people Edit and send button — to explore more while you wait.
As the first response arrives, your Dashboard will populate and you can begin monitoring results.
To create a second, third, or any number of future projects, simply start this process over again by opening the project menu and picking “Create a new project.”  Notice that your projects will all be listed in your Projects menu. Click the name of any of your projects, and it will open immediately!
Now you know the basics of creating a survey with Delighted. And there is much information we would like to share with you about customizing and sending surveys, which we’ll cover in later Core videos.
But first, we’ll look at the endgame—that is, we’ll examine how your survey results will feed into your Dashboard and future reports. 
Until the next module, thanks for listening!

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