Module 5: All About Customization

In this module:

  • Using your customization tools.
  • Changing the project name.
  • Customizing other platforms.

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Module 5 video

Learn to customize your surveys in short order. In the script, the "Survey people" button has been replaced with the "Edit and send" button. 

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Hello. Ellie here with the fifth video in the Core Certification learning series. We are about to go all in on Customization.
As you create a new project, Delighted takes charge and will automatically customize your survey using a standard template.  All you need to do is enter a brand or product name and you can start sending your surveys immediately! (It's as easy as that!) 
But that’s a little like painting by the numbers.  There shouldn't be anything standard about your surveys. The standard template may not match your brand’s color scheme—and it certainly doesn’t include your logo. Delighted’s customization tools will help you make everything look just right.
And wording is also very important, so in this video we’ll examine text editing as well.  The combination of a consistent look and feel and refined text will help create a pleasant survey experience for your panel.
By way of illustration, we’ll customize an NPS survey for Email sends. To experience how it's done, once again you can jump into the Hem & Stitch demo at When the Dashboard opens, click the “Projects Menu” and choose “NPS.” 
(One thing to note: you won’t be able to complete some customization options if you’re in the Demo account. You can always hop into your account or create one at to try it yourself!)
And we’re ready to go!
As always, we’ll start by clicking the Survey People Edit and send button to reopen the platforms page. There are two alternatives:
To customize a new platform, click the “Set up” button under the platform’s tile. 
To customize an active platform, click the “Gear” icon in the platform tile and choose “Customize appearance.”
As you make edits, observe how your changes will look on a mobile device by clicking the “Mobile preview” tab. Click the “Desktop preview” tab to return back to the desktop and laptop views.
Along the sidebar you’ll see the customization panel, with these five sections: Basic, Question, Email, Advanced, and Comment prompt.
What’s missing from the list?  As we learned in Module 2, the The Thank you page is edited independently for each platform, as are the Additional Questions. To review, Click the “Gear” settings icon and choose “Customize thank you message” or “Configure Additional questions.” We’ll learn more about each of these in a later module.
Now, let’s get back to the Customization panel options.
In the Basic section, the first thing to change is the “Brand/product name.” This can be your organization's name or the name of a product or service that you're researching. 
In this scenario, Hem & Stitch wants to survey customers who purchased items from its top-selling Women's Collection, so we’ll enter “The Women's Collection” in the Brand/product name box.
As soon as we change the name to “The Women's Collection,” this phrase will appear in four separate places: 
  1. In the email “From address” 
  2. In the “Subject line” of the email
  3. In the “Title bar” portion of the survey, and 
  4. In the all-important question itself. 
Replacing a survey’s title with a product image or a logo is as easy as clicking the “Update logo” button and uploading your image in either a PNG, JPG or GIF format. Browse to the image, select it, then click “Open.”
Your image will be resized to render on any device — computer, tablet, or smartphone. Notice that the image replaces the “Brand/product name” in the title of the survey. 
Next, you can change the default “Top bar color” and “Button text color” buttons by clicking the down arrows and choosing new colors from the color selection palettes. For more precision, enter your brand’s corresponding Hex color codes.
Click Question customization to edit the default question text. Hem & Stitch reworded their question to specifically target the Women’s collection. The question became:
"How likely are you to recommend the Hem & Stitch Women's collection to family and friends?” 
Notice that the “Subject line” text changes as well. In this case, the Subject line text is a bit wordy. We’ll show you how to edit the “Subject line” text in the next segment.
Next, we'll open Email customization, which will allow you to alter the: From name, Reply to email, and the email subject line.
Let's take them one at a time: First, if you want to change the “From name” to something like "Your friends at Hem & Stitch” or "The Hem & Stitch Women’s Collection,” enter it in the field. The change shows up in the “From box.” 
Next, look at the “Reply to” email. The reply to email becomes important only if someone decides to reply to your survey’s email instead of responding to the survey. It's pretty rare, but it can happen. You may want to use a support inbox address as your “Reply to” email so you don't miss anyone who may reply inadvertently with a concern. 
Now, to the email subject line! By default, Delighted pulls your survey question into the “Subject line” which is okay in some cases.  But carefully considered subject lines are very important to the success of an email survey. The best practice is to be clear and concise, draw attention to the significance of the survey, and not — in any way — sound like spam. In this example, the subject line was changed to, “Do you have a second for a survey from Hem & Stitch?” (Notice the subtle call to action, which often helps boost response rates.)
The Email customization section allows you to Send a test email to yourself and to fellow team members. (Which is a smart idea.) These responses won’t appear on the Dashboard, so they’re perfect for just playing around with the look and feel of your survey. Plus, emailing the survey to yourself as if you were a member of your panel, will get you Throttled, as explained back in Module 4! While Throttling protects you from oversampling customers (which is a good thing), it’s not much fun when it happens to you in the middle of your survey editing process!
Next, let’s address the Advanced customization section where you can change the language settings and enter an “Intro” message. An Intro message is a snippet of text that sits above the survey question. Your snippet must be under 300 characters. Enter something targeted to your audience like, “Please take our simple survey about your recent purchase,” or “Thank you for your interest in our Women’s collection”. 
The Advanced customization section also lets you localize the Survey language to say, Danish, Spanish, or German. We have put a link in the Show Notes that talks all about translation.
Finally, we have the Comment page section.
Here, you can adjust the wording of the second question in your survey flow; aka, the open-ended Comment. 
Keep in mind that you can use the score variable, shown in the text box, to dynamically update your Comment prompt to reference the selected score. 
You can also choose to skip the Comment prompt altogether, though we don’t recommend it because you miss out on all of the experience insights that may be recorded by your participants.
And the last step?  Make sure to save your changes, and you’re all set! 
If at any time you want to change the customization settings, just follow the same steps all over again.  You can rework your customizations as often as you like to keep things fresh and up-to-date! 
While the project name is never seen by respondents, only by your team members accessing Delighted, there still may come a day where you’d like to update it!
To do that:
1. Locate the “Settings” gear next to your project’s name
2. Click the gear to open the “Edit Project” window
3. Change the name—perhaps to something that has a better ring to it!
While each platform follows the same customization process, they each have slightly different options for editing, since they each appear differently to respondents! Let’s take a quick look at the web platform so you’re familiar with it.
Just like for Email, open up the web platform customization page by clicking “Set up” or by clicking the gear icon next to the platform and choosing “Customize appearance.” You’ll see the following options for customization: Basic, Question, Advanced, and Comment prompt.
Under Basic customization, you’ll see similar options to email, but without the logo choice, and plus different button shapes. As always, watch the preview change on the right side to see your updates applied.
Under Question customization, you again have the option to reword your survey question.
Advanced customization gives you the ability to translate your survey. There is no intro message for the web survey.
Finally, the comment prompt section allows you to edit the wording of the open-ended comment question, which will also appear along the bottom of your webpage.
To dive deeper into the nuances of each platform’s customization options, do some exploring in your account, or check out the Customization section of the Help Center. We’ve included links in the Show Notes to make it easy!
Well, this module sure went quickly!  We hope to see you soon for the next one.

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