The Permalink Page

In this article:

Suggested next articles: The Respondent History page and The People tab.

Introductory video

Click CC to enable captions in YouTube. [Stop at 7:48]

Introducing Permalink pages

Each response has a dedicated "Permalink" page containing all of its details: CX metric score, comments, properties, answers to Additional questions, and any notes or tags that have been added. 

Open your Permalink pages by clicking their response cards on the Dashboard, or via links on the People and Trends tabs.

7 actions you can take from your Permalink pages

  1. Edit or delete a response → ex. to purge bad or irrelevant responses
  2. Insert notes
  3. Add tags
  4. Edit properties
  5. Review answers to Additional questions
  6. Copy the link → and send the Permalink URL to other users to view an individual response, or send it to Delighted's Customer Concierge team so they can troubleshoot the back-end details of a response
  7. Click the email icon → and send an email to the Respondent → (like Bailey!) 
Opening Response Histories from your Permalink pages

Permalink pages focus on analyzing individual responses, while Respondent History pages offer a complete picture of every interaction a respondent has had (and will soon have) with your project — broken down under two tabs, "Feedback" and "Activity." 

Take Bailey for example:

Open her Permalink page → (by clicking on her response card)
Click Bailey's name! 
Switch back and forth between her "Feedback" and "Activity" history tabs

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Editing and deleting irrelevant responses

Only Delighted Admins have the ability to edit and delete irrelevant responses from a Permalink page. 

  • To edit a response, click the "pencil" icon to the right of the response and adjust the score or comment
  • To delete a response, click the "x" icon to the right of the response

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Amending Properties on Permalink pages

Any properties that have been passed to Delighted can be viewed and edited from the Permalink page. To amend a property value:

Click any response tile and open its Permalink page

Scroll down to the "Properties" table
Click the "pencil" icon next to the property to be edited
Enter the new value
Click "Save changes"

About editing properties in a Permalink page

Only properties that you have passed to Delighted can be edited. Special properties that CX captures automatically, such as the Delighted Source or the Delighted Browser, can’t be edited. 

Editing only updates the value for that response — it doesn't affect any other responses with that same value.

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Viewing answers to Additional questions

The Additional answers section of the Permalink page shows the answers for each Additional question. (If an Additional question was not answered by a respondent, it isn't listed.)

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Inserting Notes on Permalink pages

Many CX users want a way to leave a comment on a response, whether for their own notes or for their team to view. Some users utilize notes to track follow-up with customers, and others use it to track ideas about how to improve a customer’s experience moving forward. Whatever the reason, notes make it easy to add extra context to a response.

Every user can add notes to a response. You can have as many notes as you'd like! Each note will contain the email of the user that added the note along with a timestamp.

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Adding Tags to Permalink pages

Tags allow you to categorize responses after they come into your Dashboard. Tags can:

  • Label and categorize similar types of comments (ex. people mentioning your customer support)
  • Surface known customer qualities (ex. prior service issues)
  • Identify opportunities for follow-up

Tags associated with a specific response are listed on the right-hand side of the Permalink page. This is where you can add and edit tags asigned to the response.

For information about editing tags in bulk, see Tags and the Tag Manager.

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