The Web Platform: Showing CX surveys on your Website

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Suggested next article: Web Platform Customization

New: Delighted Surveys Widgets now available for your Web surveys!

Learn more in Web Surveys 1 — Creating, Configuring & Enabling the Widget. And visit our Surveys Web Playground and experiment with 10 widget variations.

How the Web platform for CX works

The Web platform provides a snippet of Javascript that can be added directly to pages on your website. Site visitors will see your survey at the bottom of the page. 

To customize the experience, set conditions to target visitors:

  • Just once
  • On a recurring basis
  • When an event occurs

Web surveys gather feedback quickly and seamlessly, following four steps common to CX projects:

  1. Metric score question
  2. Open-ended Comment question
  3. Additional questions
  4. Thank you page
    • Which disappears quickly, allowing visitors to continue browsing

Want to test a web survey?

To pull up our Help Center survey seen above, reload this page while adding the test query string to the URL (?delighted=test). 

Try it!

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Setting up the Web platform

To set up the Web platform:

Click “Edit and send” 
Choose “Set up” 
Required: Enter a "Brand/Product name" → (ex. CSAT)
Optional: Customize your Web survey → by adjusting your: 
1. Branding; 2. Metric question; 3. Intro message and translation; 4. Comment question; 5. Additional questions; 6. Thank you page; 7. Change your CX metric; 8. Desktop/Mobile

Learn all the details in Web Platform Customization

When you're ready to start sending your survey, click "Skip to configure" → (or select "Next: Configure" from the Thank you page)

3 important options to consider . . . at this moment!

A Click “Additional questions" Add up to 10 Additional questions following your primary Metric and Comment questions
B Pick “Thank you page" Customize your Thank you page and unlock the power of post-survey engagement and links
C Select “Skip to configure" To start immediately, click "Skip to configure" and jump to step 6 where we show you how to configure your Web survey. It's simple!

To configure your Web survey:

Select a configuration option → (ex. Survey only once, on a recurring basis, based on an event) → and click "Next: Add snippet" to continue
Notes for #6

Survey only once Defaults to a single, non-recurring survey. Choose to survey all visitors, or visitors that return after a set period of time. A cookie confirms previous visits
Survey on a recurring basis Defaults to a recurring survey every 3 months, where the first survey is displayed 2 weeks after the initial visit. (You can edit the default delay and recurring period.) The initial visit date is counted the first time a visitor lands on a page with the survey snippet. If the web parameter "createdAt" is passed in the delighted.survey() function, this timestamp is used instead.

If you'd like to only show surveys to app subscribers, embed the web snippet on a page behind a paywall or after visitor login
Survey based on an event Defaults to a single survey displayed to a visitor each time the web snippet runs. Used when you have specific events or conditions already configured in your own code to survey off of.

Visitors will be eligible for a survey each time the snippet runs. Adaptive sampling will spread out feedback collection to prevent any single visitor from being over surveyed   
Optional: Adjust the timing settings → and click "Next: Add snippet"

Notes for #7
Time between page load and survey show The time that Delighted will wait, after the page loads, before displaying a survey (ex. I want to allow the visitor to navigate for 20 seconds before displaying a survey)
Duration survey is shown The duration a survey will be displayed if a visitor does not respond to or dismiss the survey. (The survey will not be re-displayed when explicitly closed by a visitor)
Enable survey on mobile devices The default is always "on." Uncheck only if you wish to disable the survey on mobile devices
Review and edit the code snippet as needed → and click "Turn on" when you are ready
Notes for #8
The code snippet we generate includes example properties added to delighted.survey(). Replace these values with those unique to your website and visitors. (Read about properties in section 5. Managing People and Properties
If you don’t have access to this type of information, no worries — just make sure to remove these placeholders from the snippet before you 'go-live'
Install your web survey snippet on your site

Notes for #9

Add your JavaScript snippet anywhere in the <head> or <body> section of your website. Visitors are only eligible for a survey if delighted.survey() runs on a page during their visit
Some add logic to their site or use tag managers which will run delighted.survey() only if specific business conditions are met
For your own reference, document the pages on which the snippet is running. If you’ve added custom logic to your site, document these conditions as well
Click “Turn on” to enable the web snippet and start surveying!

Editing and turning off your Web survey

If you need to review or edit your configurations, simply click “Edit and send” → "Adjust Settings" and work through the configurations explained in Setting up the Web platform near the top of this article. Remember to Save any changes!

To pause or to stop your web survey, click the "Turn off Web" button on the Web surveys configurations page. There is NO need to remove the code snippet from your website to pause or stop displaying a web survey. (How nice is that!)

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Testing and previewing Web platform surveys — before going live

Test and preview Web surveys either before or after you turn on the platform from within your account. 

To test and experience the Web platform:

Make sure the snippet is added to your website
Head to the page where the snippet has been added and append ?delighted=test to the end of the URL
Reload the page
See the CX survey appear at the bottom of the page

Notes on testing 

We recommend previewing and testing the Web survey with your developer console open. We will display console messages that share more information about the survey display rules
Keep in mind that using ?delighted=test will override the eligibility checks and force the survey to display, but it will not override any logic you have included before delighted.survey() is called. If you’re not seeing the web survey display, double check that you don’t have logic precluding the survey even being triggered!
If you're using a Single Page Application, test instead by opening the console and writing the command document.cookie = "_delighted_tst=1". Reload the page and test the survey!
Testing and previewing within Delighted

The Web customization page offers a preview of the Web survey. 

You can click through this preview to experience the survey flow before placing the snippet on your website!

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Adaptive Sampling

Delighted CX automatically manages your survey’s sampling rate to ensure you receive a steady flow of feedback throughout your billing period

Adaptive sampling will balance out your site traffic with your allotted volume. This means that a meaningful sample of your visitors will be queried. Sampling is based on a number of factors, including your plan level and your site’s traffic. 

If you have questions about your Web sampling rate, please reach out to our Customer Concierge team!

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How can I pass information about the people being surveyed?

Properties will let you pass details about the People you’re surveying. Properties also allow you to segment your feedback, identify key subsets, and extract details that impact customer sentiment.

In your JavaScript, include the property name and a value as { key: value }. For example, if passing Customer ID and Location, you would pass { customerId: 123, location: USA } in the JavaScipt.

Read more about passing properties in Web documentation and advanced resources.

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Can I control who sees the surveys and how often?


Using our default configuration options, you can specify how a visitor is surveyed (ex. only once, on a recurring basis vs. after an event), when the survey shown on the page, and the length of time that it's shown

Learn all about it by jumping to Setting up the Web platform near the top of this article and reviewing the notes in steps 3 and 4.

You can change these configurations at any point and the behavior of the web survey will update immediately for your visitors. Head to “Edit and send” > Adjust settings to make these changes.

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Are cookies used in Web surveys?


There is a single cookie named '_delighted_web' that Delighted uses to determine if a visitor is eligible for a survey.

Delighted requires that cookies are enabled on the visitors browser prior to running.

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Can I change the placement of the Web survey on the page?

Not currently.

The Web platform’s placement at the bottom of the page helps avoid interrupting a visitor’s navigation around your site.

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How can I see detailed information about why a survey is or is not showing?

Use your browser's JavaScript console.

Within the console, you'll be able to determine what events are occurring with the snippet (ex. sampling, throttling, etc.), and how that impacts the display. For details on accessing the console via Chrome, see their guide on Using the Console.

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Can I track the number of impressions the Web survey is getting?


You can view all details associated with your Web platform’s performance in your account’s Metrics page. We’ll detail how many times the survey has been shown, the total number of responses, and other key engagement metrics.

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How long will you display the Thank you page?

If there is no custom text within the Thank You page, Delighted displays the default Thank You message for just a few seconds. 

If there is custom text within the Thank You page fields, Delighted CX displays the Thank You page until the "X" icon is clicked. In this case, we leave the Thank You page displayed to ensure respondents have time to review your text and engage with any call-to-action link you may have added.

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What happens when a respondent dismisses the web survey?

When a respondent clicks the "x" button to close or dismiss the web survey, we still consider the survey "shown." We will not re-display the survey or attempt to re-survey them until the survey is called again under the conditions you set. Any questions they've answered will be saved!

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