Getting Started with Delighted CX

In this article:

Suggested next article: Creating and Managing CX Projects

The CX strategy

CX projects are workspaces for crafting, sharing, and analyzing your surveys.

Each CX project is built around a "Primary" metric question that helps organize, segment, and prioritize incoming feedback. Primary questions can include NPS, CSAT, 5-Star, CES, Smilies, and more. Each is built on an industry-recognized, tested, and proven survey method. 

As you can see above, an open-ended "Comment" question follows the Primary score selection by default, and you can add up to 10 Additional questions if you need to dive deeper into customer experiences and lifecycles. 

Use your CX Dashboard to track your survey campaign in real-time. Access an array of reports, analytics, trends, alerts, filters, integrations, and distribution metrics — all from the convenience of the Dashboard seen here.

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Start a CX project — quickly!

Create and launch a project in 7 simple steps.

Click “Create a new project” 
  • If this is your first project, you'll skip this step
Pick your Primary metric question

Choose a Distribution platform

Add your Branding

Include Additional questions

  • Additional questions are optional
  • Include up to 10 new questions
  • Click "Next: Thank you page" to advance

Adjust your Thank you page

Finalize your distribution platform(s) 

Sign in and get started today! 

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Help Center & in-app help Beacon

The CX Help Center is a complete compendium of everything there is to know about Delighted CX. Use topical navigation or search to find what you are looking for.

Check out the Admin Training & Certification course. If you have Admin responsibilities, this course is for you.

And subscribe to our Youtube channel for additional training and best practice videos.

About our in-app help Beacon

As you are working, use our convenient support "Beacon" to get immediate in-app answers and assistance. It's nimble and quick:

Open the Beacon → by clicking the Comment icon in the bottom right-hand corner of every Delighted page
The Beacon is context-sensitive. As it opens, the article you're looking for is probably in the list. 
Search the Beacon by keyword → which instantly populates relevant Help Center articles
Click the "Ask" button to send a note to our Customer Concierge team → or reach out to our team by sending a note to

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