Module 5: Analyzing and segmenting feedback

In this module:

  • Adjustments on the Dashboard.
  • Interpreting your results.
  • Creating, deleting, and organizing Trends.
  • Accumulating, deleting, renaming, and merging Tags.

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Module 5 video

Learn to analyze your results with the help of Tags and Trends.

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Welcome back to Delighted Admin Certification! This module begins on the Dashboard, which encapsulates all of your feedback in real-time.

From here, Delighted users can: Apply tags, filter by properties, search and sort results by keywords and date ranges, and bridge to more granular Trends, Reports, Metrics, People, Integrations, Tags, Response Histories, and Permalink pages. There’s a lot going on here! More relevantly, in many of these areas there are actions that only admins can perform.

If you’re looking for an intro to this topic, start by exploring Core Certification Module 3: All About Dashboards, and Module 6: All About Properties. They’ll help you get a baseline of knowledge so that you can make the most of your Admin status when it comes to analyzing your feedback. If you haven’t yet watched those modules, pause here and come back once you’re done!

In this module, we’ll look a bit deeper. We’ll explore: Adjustments on the Dashboard, interpreting your results, creating, deleting, and organizing Trends, and accumulating, deleting, renaming, and merging Tags.

The Dashboard is the most recognizable page in Delighted. It gives projects form and structure. Each of the 21 links marked in this image is a passage to a uniquely valuable way to analyze, filter, share, report, and act on feedback. (Check out the link in the Show Notes that rehearses what we’ve named every-Dashboard-thing.)

Atop the Dashboard rests the Smileys bar and the adjacent Metric Score and Time Window. These details are the first to draw the eye and are available for every survey type—NPS, 5-star, CES, you name it. These metrics include the Metric Score, Time Window, Show/Hide link to the Over Time graph (you’ve got to try this!), the Smileys bar, and the Response count tracker.

The Metrics Score is a moving calculation tracking participant experiences over a selected time frame, such as this CES Metric score of 81 over 90 days. For more information on how each surrey type’s score is calculated, check out the Help Center section 2: Survey types.

By default, Delighted applies a 30-day time window, which is a solid starting point. Expanding the time window to “last 365 days” is helpful for annual surveys, while the “last 90 days” view can help with quarterly pulses.

Here’s a caution for you admins: any change in this setting will appear to every user who has access to the project. If a Standard user selects 90 days, all users (Admins and Limited users alike) will see the same 90-day results as they refresh their Dashboard. 

But wait, there’s more: In one go, an altered time window also changes the metric time window for the Trends page. Given the implications, changes to the Time Window should be orchestrated by project stakeholders.

A final note: when you filter the page by date range, the bar and score will update as well. We recommend using one set time window for each project, and rather than adjusting that regularly, filtering the page by date to see more or fewer responses.

Changes to the time window are made in the Edit Project panel. To change this setting:

  1. Open the Projects menu
  2. Click the Gear icon next to the project name
  3. Select a new timeframe. That’s all there is to it!
  4. Oh yeah, and of course, don’t forget to save your changes.

Next to the Metric Score and Time window is the Smileys bar, despite the curmudgeon to the right with that red scowling face (it’s a bar with attitude). The  term Smileys Bar doesn’t always apply literally. For Thumbs surveys you’ll see the classic gladiatorial thumbs up and thumbs down—a very definitive judgment. To say the obvious, 5-star surveys show stars; so it could easily be called “The Stars Bar” (which sounds like a jazz club in Miami).

As is usually the case, there's more going on under the surface. Scroll slowly over each Face, Thumb, or Star and … wait for it … you’ll get a percentage and the raw number of responses for each scale point.

Users can get a quick, visual perspective on performance by revealing the Dashboard’s Over Time graph. It’s important to note that this graph is unaffected by changes to the Time Window settings. Any user can change the settings in this graph without changing the Time Window, the Smileys Bar rollovers, or the Over Time graph settings for other users. 

To show the graph and alter its settings:

  1. Click the Show/Hide button. (The Over Time graph will pop onto your Dashboard)
  2. Change the available views by selecting: Daily: for a multi-day glimpse back (ex. 14 days), Weekly: for a multi-week look back (ex. 12-15 weeks), Monthly: for a multi-month view of performance (ex. 10-15 months)
  3. Close the graph by clicking Hide Graph

What’s a good score? There is no single answer. Results are calibrated against industry benchmarks for every vertical. To complicate it further, each survey type calculates its results uniquely. Nonetheless, a CES of 83 over 30 days will make most managers happy. (It’s bonus time for the entire team!) For most researchers, the direction generally matters more than any single score. If this CES metric drops to 68 next month—oopsy daisy—time for a deep dive into Trends and other metrics to learn why things changed.

Interpreting the results can be challenging. To help, we’ve placed a Blog post in the Show Notes by Sean from the Customer Concierge team, where he addresses sample size, margin of error, and confidence intervals in a way that’s easy for even non-statisticians to take in.

Think of Trends like saved searches. They help you slice into the data using various filters, and can be generated by any limited, standard, or admin user regardless of payment plan: free, premium, or plus.

On a side note: paid plans do give access to the Delighted Smart Trends AI which can anticipate the Trends you're looking for—sometimes before you even know you’re looking for them! (That’s a fancy trick!) Jump to the Show Notes for a link explaining Smart Trends.

As you might suspect, Trends are created and accessed from the Dashboard. Trends are composed by carefully combining filters, each with a unique timbre and resonance, including: Keywords, date ranges, scale points, properties, comments, and Tags.

Like the strings of a guitar, each filter can either be plucked individually, two or three at a time, or strummed in unison. Knowing which strings to combine takes practice and experimentation. 

Recap! We cover creating Trends in Core Certification, Module 3, but it may be helpful to see again how quickly a powerful Trend can be created using all of these filters in unison. Let’s say the Hem & Stitch buyers for the Women’s collection are concerned about the availability of certain sizes (aka, fit) in their most profitable product segment. 

It takes less than twenty seconds to harmonize a Trend with the relevant filters. The design team choose to filter by: Scale point = Selecting “Dissatisfied,” Comments = Choosing to view “With comments,” Properties: Property 1 = Pinning the “Women’s Collection” property, Property 2 = Pinning the “Retail Store” property, Date Range = Picking the Quarterly filter to isolate recent Comments. And, to cap it off, the team searched size and fit concurrently by entering both words into the Search bar. This final step isolates the Trend they’re looking for.

Most importantly, after all of the selections have been made, the buyers picked “Create a trend with these results.” The Trend is now live for all to see.

Notice that searching “fit” also highlights “fits”. “Size” reveals “sizing” too. This is called lemmatization, which uses base words to help find relatives. This means you don’t have to search for every version of a word, because Delighted will do that part for you!

Once created, a Trend can be revisited again and again. Users love Trends so much that they quickly accumulate and accumulate more and more of them (like collecting Beanie Babies in the 1990s). 

Newly created Trends snap instantly into the complete list found on the Trends page. Importantly, the number of Trends available is governed by your plan. So when you hit your limit, you’ll get hit with a stop sign.

At this point, you can make one of three decisions: Stop: don’t make any new trends, upgrade: which is sometimes necessary to keep pace, or prune: do a little weeding out by asking if there are obsolete Trends that can be deleted.

Thankfully, Admins can edit or delete any Trend in their organization’s account regardless of who created it. When an Admin deletes a Trend it is no longer available to anyone. (Take that, rapacious Trend accumulators!)

Notably, Standard and Limited users can prune any Trends they have created without affecting the Trends created by other users.

Pruning Trends is quick and painless: 

  1. Click Trends from the Delighted toolbar
  2. Click the name of the Trend you want to chop
  3. When the Trend’s page appears, click the Gear icon next to its name
  4. In the Edit trend window, click Delete this trend
  5. If you’re sure, click OK in the subsequent pop-up 

Of course, you’re given a chance to undo things if there is a last-second regret. Don't panic if an important Trend ends up in the digital dumpster. Deleting Trends has no impact on the project’s responses or comments, so recreating a Trend is always possible. 

Placing Trends into folders is very handy, particularly as a list of Trends gets longer and longer. Folders can be created by any user—Limited, Standard, and Admin.

Of note: all folders are visible to every other user Joined to a project. It's up to each user to add, rename, or delete their own unused folders. Admins don’t play a special role in organizing folders, so we will leave it at that. Check the Show Notes for a link to the Help Center's Trends page to learn more.

Tags are the last major filter we need to address. Tags can help you quickly segment responses into categories. They can be added well after results have started coming in, which gives them a flexibility that even properties don’t have. Tags also give us a great chance to revisit four interrelated features that are also important in Module 6.

Now Presenting: Comment tiles, Response History pages, Permalink pages, and the Tags page. What do they all have in common? Tags can be created and removed in all four places. To see how the four interact, you’ll need to know what happens when you click links 1-5 on a typical Dashboard Comment tile: 

Clicking a Name [#1] opens a Response History page which contains a complete rundown of every respondent interaction with a project.  

Choosing the Timestamp [#2] opens the Permalink page, which showcases a single response. Permalink pages can be shared by copying and pasting the associated “permanent” URL atop the browser.  (Clever name, right?)

Hitting the Additional Questions icon [#3] reveals all of the responses to a survey’s Additional Questions.

Clicking the red x [#4] on any Tag removes it from that comment, and typing in a new tag in this spot adds it to that response.

Finally, clicking the Tags gear [#5] at the bottom of any Comment tile, Permalink or Response History page will open the Tags page, where you can edit all the Tags your team has tossed into the mix.

If you see Person followed by a bracketed number in a Comment tile instead of a name, it means the survey was collected anonymously through the Link, Web, or Kiosk platforms.  Anonymity is an important strategy in some survey collection schemes. 

The number Person is also important.  It’s a unique identifier which allows a response to be indexed in the Comment tiles, related Permalink pages, the Response History pages, as well as on the People page.  

You will never know from whom it came (unless, of course you ask for that information to be entered voluntarily in an Additional Question).  Not even our talented Concierge team can ever figure out who this person is!

Before you can use Tags, you must do some serious tagging first! Tags are the proverbial graffiti at the bottom of your Comment tiles, Permalink pages, and Response Histories. Tagging is a creative process, marking your respondent Comments up with any categories that you and your team can imagine.

To create a tag, simply: 

  1. Click Add a tag on any Comment tile
  2. Pick from the list of existing tags, or
  3. Type in a new keyword (like “informative”) and press enter to attach the new Tag to the Comment tile. Tags don’t need to match any of the words in the Comment. In this example, we're tagging Comments that are strong candidates for Testimonials. 
  4. Continue adding as many Tags as you like (such as the word testimonial)
  5. Remove Tags by hovering over the keyword and clicking the red X (This action only removes the tag from this Comment tile. A global deletion can only happen on the Tags page)

To see all of the Tags created by you and your other users, click the Tag manager Gear. Rename, Merge, and Delete Tags on the Tags management page. (Any action performed here will rename, delete, or merge tags on all of the Comment cards found in a project).

Thanks for tagging along for another Admin Certification module. We learned about: Adjustments on the Dashboard, interpreting your results, creating, deleting, and organizing Trends, and accumulating, deleting, renaming, and merging Tags. We’ll see you soon for the next module!

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