Module 6: Reporting on and editing feedback

In this module:

  • Reporting aggregate feedback.
  • Regulating the email digest.
  • Viewing and editing individual feedback.
  • Requesting testimonials.
  • Exporting and importing data.

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Hi there! This is Ellie with Delighted—welcome back to Admin Certification. This is Module 6: Reporting on and Editing Feedback.

This module digs into Delighted reporting. Some reports are sent automatically, like Email Digests. Others require you and your team to flip a few switches and click a few tiles. (Incidentally, we want to thank Anonymous Person (1068988876) for this feedback on Module 1! It made our day.  Now, it’s back to work.)

Let's start by glancing at the aggregated Reports built into Delighted and then jump into individual records and responses.

In this module: Reporting aggregate feedback, regulating the email digest, viewing and editing individual feedback records, requesting testimonials, and exporting and importing data.

Under the Reports tab, you’ll find a set of carefully designed reports analyzing incoming results from multiple angles. The Reports (as seen along the top of the Reports tab) include: Snapshot, Over time, Pivot table, Additional questions, and Benchmarks.

Note that the Benchmarks report is only available for NPS surveys. If you’re running, say, a CSAT survey, you won’t have Benchmarking data available in the Reports tab.

Reports can be viewed by every user joining a project. They will have complete access to all of the incoming results, controls, and filters needed for their independent review and analysis. What are these controls, you may ask?

When you open any report in the Delighted platform, you’ll see a couple of filtering options. The first one is the date range filter. This is the time period over which you want to analyze your data—say, from last quarter or from this past month.

The second filter is the groups or Trends filter. You can use this filter to narrow down to just certain groups of responses, such as promoters, or passives with comments, or to responses in a certain Trend. (Remember we learned about Trends in the last module). For example, say you want to generate a report for your customer support team. You can create a Trend that captures responses that mention “support” or “help,” and then filter the reports to show that Customer Support Trend—that’s the feedback for that team!

One other thing to note: Admin, Standard, and Limited users alike can filter these visualizations with Trends, Properties, and Scale Points. The choices they make do not impact the visualizations of other users, and each report will be “reset” to the default filters when you click away. Now, let’s run through each report type!

Available in every tier, Snapshot reports house four relevant visualizations over a self-selected time period. This report is great for sharing as a summary of your feedback—simply snag a few screenshots and send them to your team!

Over time reports track how key metrics change, literally over time, through the use of graphs and tables. This helps a team evaluate if they are moving the customer journey in a positive direction. These immensely valuable reports are available for every plan.

(Remember, you can also see a basic over time graph on the Dashboard by clicking “Show graph.” The full report seen here is much more detailed and hosts many more filters and controls.)

A Premium report option, Pivot tables quantify feedback with total counts, averages, percentages, and sums in a user-friendly format. Pivot tables offer a granularity unavailable in other Reports by juxtaposing statistics in this academic report style. Pivot tables are extremely effective when you need to  encapsulate large sets of data.

One key feature of the Pivot Table report is the “keyword” function. Select “keyword” from the drop-down list to generate a report that breaks down your comments into the most commonly used words. You can see what respondents are saying most often, and what scores they’re usually leaving when they mention those keywords!

Additional Questions are a Premium feature allowing up to ten extra questions following the initial score and comment queries. (That’s a dozen questions total, for those keeping score.) Question types include: Free response, Scale, Select one choice, Select from several choices (as seen in our sample), Name (used to identify or update names), and Email (used to identify or update email addresses).

The Additional Questions report produces visualizations for each question—which can be sorted by Scale Points, Properties, Trends, and Date Ranges—similar to other reports. 

Note that free response, name, and email Additional Questions will not show up in this report because they can’t be aggregated in the same way a multiple choice question can.  However, all of this information can be exported to CSV files, which we’ll discuss in detail at the end of this Module.

Complete respondent answers can also be accessed by clicking the Additional Questions icon on the top right-hand side of any Comment tile. The icon shows the number of Additional Questions that someone has answered. (Jessica answered two additional questions.) All of the additional responses will be nested neatly under the Additional answers section on the corresponding Permalink page, which we will talk more about in a few seconds.

Creating and editing Additional Questions may puzzle new users. Here’s five troubleshooting questions you can ask to help untangle things: Do you know where to access the Additional Questions configuration page? Did you set up the distribution platform first? Did you click Save Question immediately after each question was added or edited?  Did you Turn On (aka, publish) your Additional Questions? Did you add Additional Questions separately for each platform in your distribution mix? We’ve placed a special training for new users in the Show Notes addressing all five questions.  

Finally, Delighted NPS Benchmarks share comparison data from over 10k consumers across an array of industries. Benchmarks are a powerful way to contextualize your NPS against comparable companies in your vertical. Benchmarks are strictly available to Premium subscribers running NPS surveys.  (This really is next-level support for NPS aficionados.) 

Whew! That’s all for aggregate reporting—we have links in the Show Notes for all of these Report types if you wish to dig deeper.

Okay… so maybe that’s not all. There’s one more semi-aggregate reporting feature: the Email Digest, which helps keep survey results top-of-mind.

Users receive a curated selection of responses with a rolling average metric directly into their inboxes. By default, all users will receive a digest for every project they’ve joined on a weekly basis. To avoid overwhelming everyone, this frequency can be adjusted to convenient intervals: Daily: Sent every morning, Weekly (which is the default): Sent Monday mornings, Monthly: Sent the first morning of each month.

If a project doesn't receive new feedback (or responses came in without any comments), the digest will be paused. When feedback starts arriving again, the Email digest will be resumed. Sweet, right? Especially if all the feedback looks as good as this! 

To adjust the digest frequency, click on “Account” and then choose “Email Digest.” From there, use the drop-down menu to make your adjustments.

However, Email Digests are not without their complexities and controversies! If you have multiple projects, the sheer volume of digests can be overwhelming. Not to mention layering in the option for Trend-specific digests. We’ll explore ways to regulate the digestive flow in Admin Extras: All About The Email Digest. The link is found in the Show Notes. (Did we just say digestive flow?  Who’s in charge of this module?)

Let’s look into how individual respondent records can be reviewed and edited. Any edits or deletions can alter the Reports we just presented, so we’ll proceed with caution. It’s time for the humble Permalink page from Module 5 to take an encore. Permalink pages allow Admins and Standard users to permanently edit or even delete records.

As a reminder, you can open Permalink pages by clicking the response timestamp link in any Comment tile, either on the Dashboard or in the Feedback portion of a Response History page. Permalink pages encapsulate all the details for a specific response. They are: A respondent’s Name (Which also provides a shortcut to an individual’s Response History page.), the respondent’s selected Score followed by their raw Comment, answers to their Additional Questions, a full list of Properties associated with the response , any Tags that have been added to the bottom of the Comment tile, and any Notes that you or your team have added.

There are five parts of a Permalink record that can be edited, and even deleted, by Admins. You can:

  • Delete a response. Why? If you’ve submitted a test response or if you find a response that a customer didn’t mean to submit, that feedback may need to be deleted entirely.
  • Edit a comment. Imagine that you find a wonderful comment for a testimonial, but it is riddled with spelling errors. Such comments are fair game for editing—with the person's permission of course. (Learn more in Requesting & Sharing Testimonials later in this module.)
  • Edit a score. Why? If you reach out to a respondent and they let you know they accidentally clicked the wrong score or changed their mind, you have the ability to update their response.
  • Edit properties. Why? If you make a mistake and assign the wrong property value to a response before sending, you have the ability to change that after the response is collected. (There are a few Properties that Delighted captures automatically, such as the Delighted Source and Delighted Browser, that cannot be edited.) 
  • Add Notes. Why? Notes make it easy to add context to a response before it is forwarded to others. All Delighted users (even the Limited ones ) can attach a note to a response. 

You can copy any Permalink URL and send it to any user. Recipients can access the response with a simple click. Here’s the Permalink for our own Madalyn Fischer, who just can't get a product she likes! Yikes! (Try clicking this link in the Show Notes!)

Admins and Standard users can initiate the process of sharing respondent Testimonials.  It is important to seek permission. Legal guidance in this area holds that a comment is the property of the person who made it, and cannot be used without permission. (This advice goes beyond mere attribution.) The best path is to seek permission. 

To acquire permission:

  1. Open the Permalink Page for the person with your chosen quotable Comment
  2. As a courtesy, you may want to fix any spelling mistakes or typographical errors before you send the request, but the respondent will have a chance to make these changes as well.
  3. Click the quotation mark to the right of the comment (if you haven’t already set up the Testimonials feature, click the link in the blurb to head there and finish setup.)
  4. The person will be contacted for permission to use their Testimonial. (Note: you can’t request a Testimonial from an anonymous respondent… we need to know where to send the request, after all!)
  5. The respondent will be able to “Review their feedback” by clicking the link. A page will appear showing what was said, asking them to enter their name as confirmation, and giving your respondent the power to Approve or disapprove the use of their Comment in a Testimonial
  6. The approved comment will now be available for viewing in our Testimonials feature—or you will have explicit permission to share on your social media!

Keep in mind: Limited users are blocked from requesting Testimonials. 

Sometimes, you may want to export your raw data to see all of the responses, including properties, comments, Additional Question answers, and more. 

Only Admins and Standard users can Export data. Downloads default to CSV—the extremely versatile Comma-Separated Values format. CSV files can be opened by any spreadsheet (Excel, Numbers, or Sheets) and by analytical software tools such as SPSS. 

You can download all or a selected part of your data for reporting and analysis. Here’s how: Download from the Dashboard if you need all of the project's data, including comments, score, properties, all Additional Question answers, and more. A Date Range can also be selected. (Other filter settings will not be retained, however.) Download from specific Reports, Trends, or People page to capture just the summarized dataset. In this CSV file from a Snapshot Report, the data subset is focused solely on the core metrics as filtered in the Snapshot Report. 

Selected filters for some Reports will be included with your export. For example, if you change Date settings and then choose a Scale Point setting in an Over Time report, only responses matching that criteria will be exported. (Nice trick, that!)

To export data from the Dashboard:

  1. Scroll down and select “Export data” on the left-hand side, under the property filters
  2. Choose a date range (if you’d like)
  3. Click “Export data”

To export specific report data:

  1. Head to the Reports tab and open the report you want to export
  2. Apply any filters you want the export
  3. Click “Export as CSV”

To export data for a specific person or Trend, head to that page and choose “Export as CSV” on the bottom left. The file will either automatically start downloading, or you’ll get an email when it’s ready (which happens if the file is larger than about 500 rows).

If you need to import data, such as responses collected in another platform, simply send us a note at We can get those responses imported so you can start using the aggregate reporting options ASAP!

Now you know everything you need about reporting, editing responses, and exporting data! We highly recommend jumping into your own account and playing around with the reports, or using, to really see these powerful features in action!

To review, in this module, we covered: Reporting aggregate feedback, regulating the email digest, viewing and editing individual feedback records, requesting testimonials, and, exporting and importing data. Bye for now!

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