Admin Extras: Creating and troubleshooting Additional Questions

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Setting up Additional Questions

Click on the "Edit and send" button on the top of your Dashboard
Click on the pencil icon next to a platform that's already been set up, or choose "Set up" under a new platform
Choose the Additional questions tab

Select a question type, then enter and edit your question. Areas that are customizable include the question, options (i.e., options respondents can select), and survey scale labels (when applicable)

Optional: Choose which respondent group to show the question to under the Who should see this question section. We use the score collected on the initial scored question to determine what score types (ex. for NPS that would be Promoters, Passives, and Detractors) will see each question
When finished, click Save question (Saving each question as you go is really, really important!)
Repeat for any other questions you'd like to add
Once complete, click "Save" again—or "Turn on" if Additional questions had previously been disabled (Also very important!)

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Troubleshooting Additional Questions

Hey, but what if things aren't working? There are five mistakes that rookies can make. (Not that we are calling you a rookie… we mean that other rookie down the hall.) 

Here are three questions that our Customer Concierge team will ask as they get to the bottom of the issue. We’ll answer each one in turn:

  1. Did you click "Add question" or "Update question" immediately after each question was added or edited?
  2. Did you Turn On (aka, Save) your Additional Questions (and any question updates)?
  3. Did you add your Additional Questions separately into each platform in your distribution mix?

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1. Clicking Add/Update question as each question is added or edited

If you enter or edit a question, and (accidentally or on purpose) click out to another part of Delighted before saving, the question will vanish. It’s gone! Ouch. (Does this sound like a lamentable personal experience?) 

Click "Update question" or "Add question" before you leave any question page and avoid this mishap.

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2. Turning on and publishing Additional Questions

After you add your Additional Questions, you must choose Turn on in order to go live. This acts like the Publish button in some apps. If you don't “Turn on” their Additional Questions, Delighted will not display them! 

🎶 The Turn on button lets you create and edit you Additional Questions without worrying about those changes appearing publicly before you feel that they are ready. 

If you go back in and edit your questions, they won’t display unless you re-Save the changes. (The old Additional Questions will continue to be presented to recipients.) So, this bit is important: you must now hit the Save button after each round of edits! Otherwise, your old, sad, mistake-filled questions will linger on and on. 

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3. Adding Additional Questions separately to each distribution platform

It’s all in the subtitle above. Questions added to the Link platform will NOT appear in Email sends and visa versa. This division allows questions to change based on each platform's uniqueness. (For example, the question, “How easy was it to navigate our Website?” doesn’t apply when interactions are limited to Email.)

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For a complete guide on how to create Additional Questions, head to our Help Center. There you can learn about question randomization, reversing scales, display logic, and a whole lot more.

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