Passing Properties

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Passing properties with a CSV upload (Email and SMS)

To pass properties when importing a CSV or Excel file, include a column in your import for each property. The header of each column will be used as the property name, and the value in each row will be used as the property value for each survey request.

For example, the below import would include two properties: Collection and Purchase Experience. The response submitted by Ellie Newman will include the value “Women’s” for the Collection property and the value “Website” for the Purchase Experience property.

Passing properties is platform specific

Keep in mind that properties are passed with each survey request, rather than being associated with a contact over time. This means that passing properties to Delighted will require different strategies based on which platform you're using to distribute your surveys.

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Passing properties with the API (Email and SMS)

When using the API to schedule surveys, you can pass properties using the properties parameter. For more information about using the API and passing that parameter, read our article on the Delighted API or check out the API docs.

Here’s an example using cURL to pass collection and purchase experience:

curl \ -u YOUR_DELIGHTED_API_KEY: \ -d '' -d 'properties[collection]=Mens' -d 'properties[purchase_experience]=Website'

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Passing properties with the Web platform

To pass properties for Web surveys, include the properties in the JavaScript snippet you add to your site. You can pass static property values, or pass the values dynamically by grabbing those values from your site. The code snippet provided in your web settings page will have example properties included—either replace or remove those before adding to your site so you don't end up storing those example values for all of your respondents.

For full details on passing properties to your snippet, read our article about the Web platform.

Here’s an example passing orderId and shippingMethod:

delighted.survey({ email: "", name: "Bailey Dixon", properties: { orderId: "123ABC", shippingMethod: "Ground" } });

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There are two ways to add properties to Links. Both are capable of passing along customer names, email addresses, products, demographics, locations, and other information with your Link-based survey responses. They include:

  1. Generating properties within the Link platform
  2. Appending properties to a Link.

1. Generating properties within the Link platform: Any properties set using the Link platform's in-app Link Builder will be applied to every response associated with that Link. You can add properties to as many links as you need to capture any number of properties; such as people, locations, products, issues, or whatever you wish.

This video from this Help Center's Link platform page, Adding, Editing, and Segmenting Properties, explains the process using the in-app Link Builder to add properties to survey links.

2. Appending properties to the Link: Appending properties to the end of your Link allows you to set custom properties for every response. This option is best used when passing specific respondent information like names or email addresses from a CRM. It's the old-school (yet highly effective) way of getting the job done.

To see how this works, watch this video, Appending Properties to Links, also from the Link platform page.

For details, check out the complete article on the Link platform in the CX Help Center. 

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Passing properties with the Kiosk platform

Properties can be passed using our Kiosk platform from within Delighted. Full details on passing properties via the Kiosk platform can be found in our article about the Kiosk platform.

Below is what this looks like in your Delighted CX project:

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