The Delighted Mobile App

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Suggested next article: Dashboards and Filtering

Introducing the Delighted mobile app

Downloading the app

Click here to Download the Delighted iOS App from the App Store.

Click here to Download the Delighted Android App from the Google Play store.

Delighted’s mobile app makes it easy for you to access your Delighted Dashboard anytime, anywhere — right from your smartphone. 

Whether checking your feedback on your phone, sharing recent customer comments on a tablet during a meeting, or keeping tabs on your NPS score via widgets, the Delighted mobile app makes accessing your feedback simple and convenient.

A dozen things to do in the app . . . 

1 Flip through the different projects in your account
2 View the response feed for each survey project — the app's version of the Dashboard view
3 Keyword search through open-ended responses
4 Filter responses by properties
5 View the details about a specific response — the app's version of the Permalink page
6 Add notes to individual responses
7 Share individual responses (iOS only)
8 View Trends and the related responses
9 View engagement Metrics — like number of responses and comment rate
10 Configure push notifications (iOS only)
11 Add smart widgets to your phone screens (iOS only)
12 Set up a Pin with your login credentials — and access the app with your device’s security pin (Android only)

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The Response feed

The Response feed shows all of your feedback as it flows in real-time, just like the Delighted Dashboard. Here’s what the Response feed looks like on both iPhone and Android smartphones:

iPhone Android

Refreshing the Response feed

When there are new responses to bring in, you’ll see a small icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Simply swipe down to load new responses. If there are no new responses to display, you’ll see a small notification letting you know “You are up to date.”

Swiping through responses

Tap on a response to open the response view, then use the "Next"/"Previous" buttons at the bottom of the screen, or swipe left and right, to navigate between responses. (iOS only).

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Filtering and searching for responses

The iOS app has the same filtering and searching capabilities as your Dashboard on the web. Within the app, you can:

Filter properties or Additional questions Click the menu icon on the top left-hand side of your screen, then click "Filter" to open up the filter view. From here, click on any filters you'd like to apply
Search with keywords Click the menu icon on the top left-hand side of your screen, then click "Filter" to open up the filter view. From here, you can type in keywords to search through the verbatim feedback left by your respondents
Search by date range Click the menu icon on the top left-hand side of your screen, then click "Filter" to open up the filter view. The first filter category listed is the Date filter. Choose a pre-set date range or click "Custom range" to set your own
Filter based on a Trend Click the menu icon on the top left-hand side of your screen, then click “Trend” to open up the Trends view (as seen in the images below).

Click on any Trend that you’ve created (ex. "Mens Department" or "Shipping") and the dashboard will update to show all responses associated with that trend. Note: you cannot create or edit trends in the app — this has to be done on the web

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Viewing properties

Tap on any response to view the details; including the timestamp, notes, and properties.

With further context about the feedback, you'll have a complete picture of the variables impacting the customer experience, as well as a clear understanding of where to focus your closed loop actions.

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Viewing and adding notes

Tap on a response and scroll down to the bottom of the response page to view and add notes to a particular response.

Whether flagging a response for follow-up, or adding additional context to be built into your Delighted reports, notes are a great way to layer in details and ignite action from your team. For more information about notes, check out this article on adding notes.

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Reviewing Metrics

To review your engagement metrics on the go:

Expand the sidebar navigation menu in the app
Choose "Metrics"
Toggle between platforms → and choose the metrics you’re interested in reviewing

For details about the information displayed in this view, check out our article on The Metrics Tab.

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Setting up iOS Push Notifications

You can set up push notifications in the app to be sent when responses are received that meet specific conditions.

For example, the conditions available for an NPS survey are:

  • New promoter response
  • New passive response
  • New detractor response
  • Response received that meets a specific Trend

To set up Push Notifications in CX:

Open the app
Click on the menu icon → found in the top right-hand corner
Choose "Notifications"
Toggle on one of the score group notifications, or choose "Add notification" to set up Trend-based notifications 
Trends must be set up within your account before they can be used as notification triggers
Grant Delighted permission to send notifications when prompted

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Using the iOS Widgets

iOS Widgets allow you to customize your phone’s Home Screen, Lock Screen, and Today View with real-time information from your favorite apps—including Delighted! Once you’ve downloaded the Delighted iOS App, you can add widgets in all three places to visualize your metrics at a glance.

Clicking on any of your Delighted widgets will launch the Delighted app and take you right to that project's Dashboard so you can review all of the responses that make up your score.

Home Screen Widgets

To add widgets to the Home Screen:

Download the Delighted iOS App → and sign into your account
Head to the Home Screen → and touch and hold a widget or an empty area until the apps jiggle
Tap the “+” button → found in the upper-left corner
Search for Delighted in the search bar → and select it. (There is one widget size option)
Click “+ Add Widget”
Tap and hold to drag your widget to where you’d like it to live on your Home Screen
Press “Done” → seen in the upper right-hand corner.

Once the widget has been added, you can change the project that is displaying by:

Tapping and holding on the widget
Choosing “Edit widget”
Clicking “Choose” → next to your project
Selecting the project you’d like to display

Lock Screen Widgets

To add widgets to your Lock Screen:

Touch and hold the Lock Screen until the Customize button appears → then tap "Customize."
Scroll down and choose "Delighted" → where there are two widget size options
Tap or drag the widgets that you want to add
Tap "Done" → seen in the top right-hand corner

Once the widget has been added, you can change the project that is displaying by:

Touching and holding the Lock Screen until the Customize button appears → then tapping "Customize"
Tapping the widget
Selecting the project you want to display
iPadOS Compatibility

Lock Screen widgets are not currently supported on iPadOS.

Today View Widgets

The Today View can be found by swiping to the leftmost screen on your phone from either the locked or unlocked states.

The process for adding widgets to your Today View is the same as adding them to the Home Screen — just make sure you’re on the Today View when you start the editing process!

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