Kustomer Integration

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Setting up the Kustomer integration

Delighted’s Kustomer integration automatically syncs response data to customer records in Kustomer.

Follow these steps:

Head to Kustomer and sign into your account
Click the settings icon in the left-hand side navigation menu
Click “API keys” under the “Platform settings” section
Click on “New API key”
Create a new API key with the roles: org.user.customer.read and org.user.customers.write
Set the expires option to no expiration
Copy the API key to your clipboard
Head back to Delighted, click on the Integrations tab, and choose “Kustom”
Paste the API key copied from Kustomer in step seven in the required field
Click “Connect to Kustomer” to complete the setup!

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Viewing the synced response data in Kustomer

For any customer that responded to a Delighted survey, response data will show up on the right-hand side of their customer page. Simply search for a customer and then scroll down to see their Delighted response history.

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Are there alternative methods for connecting Delighted and Kustomer?

Yes! There is a Kustomer-built integration that will automatically create and update customer records when your customers submit a survey. This allows your team to have access to critical voice-of-customer data that can help set the tone for support interactions. You can learn more about that set-up process via this Kustomer documentation and/or contact the Customer Concierge team at Delighted for assistance.

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How quickly does information sync to Kustomer after a response is received in Delighted?

Data will sync over immediately.

If you see any delay longer than 10 minutes between a response being received and data appearing in Kustomer, let us know.

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What happens if someone updates their Delighted response?

Changes to responses (updating the score, adding a comment, etc.) are automatically updated in Kustomer.

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How do I search through customers with Delighted response data in Kustomer?

Kustomer’s search option allows you to set up specific search conditions to filter to based on Delighted response data.

  1. Click on “Searches” on the left-hand side of your Kustomer account
  2. Select a Search Type (either “Match all” or “Match any”)
  3. Under “Property type,” choose “Delightedresponse”
  4. Select the property you want to use to filter, like score or comment (nore that you can add multiple properties to filter by later on)
  5. Select the operator, like “is equal to”
  6. Optional: Add any other search conditions
  7. Hit “Save”

Here’s an example of a search for promoters (scores of 9 or 10):

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