The Email Digest

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Introducing the Email digest

An Email digest is sent to each CX user on a regular basis — providing a quick pulse of their customer feedback. (See Email digests: The easiest way to stay on top of feedback from the Delighted blog.)

Each email highlights the current core metric score, breaks down the responses in a bar chart, and provides a selection of curated feedback. Let's detail the core components:

1 Digest title Highlights the name of the Project or Trend associated with the digest. If you have created multiple digests for your Trends, the titles will help tell them apart!
2 Rolling metric Displays your current metric. The calculation is based on your survey time window setting, not the digest frequency
3 Responses Curated responses, along with comments, since the last digest was sent
4 Permalink Curious to learn more about the response? Click the name/email field and jump to the associated Permalink page
5 Trend information Shares feedback for specific Trends that you've identified — along with a brief summary of changing Trend metrics (ex. "17 new promoters...")

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Adjusting Email digest frequency

To adjust the frequency of Email digests, click the "Account" button and select “Email digest.” From there, choose your desired frequency.

Daily Sent early in the morning and highlights the previous day’s responses
Weekly (default) Sent early Monday morning and highlights the previous week's responses
Monthly Sent early in the morning on the first of each month and highlights the previous month’s responses
Never:  Will pause the designated Email digests
About managing multiple Email digests

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of digests pouring into your inbox? Read Admin Extras: Managing multiple Email digests for advice on how to get a handle on things—and still receive the information you need!

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Changing digest frequency

To adjust the digest frequency for Delighted CX projects:

Click "Account"
Select "Email digests"
Adjust the frequency of the digest for each project
Click “Save changes”

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To start receiving digests with responses from a specific Trend in one of your projects:

Click "Account"
Select "Email digest"
Scroll down and pick “Create new digest" under Trend digests
Choose the desired "Project," "Trend," and "Frequency" for each digest
Click “Save changes”

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A user must adjust their own Email Digests

Each individual user has the ability to:

  • Adjust the frequencies of their Email digests for:
    • CX projects
    • Trends
  • Disable digests by selecting "Never" as the frequency setting

It is not possible to adjust digest frequencies for other users or to send a digest to an email address that isn't associated with a CX user. Click here to learn more about Limited, Standard, and Admin users. 

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Digests pause automatically if feedback stops

After a period of inactivity, CX will pause sending your email digests. You must also receive at least one comment and/or an answer to an Additional question during the selected time frame to trigger a new digest.

You'll receive a notification letting you know about this automatic pause.

The Email digest starts back up again as soon as feedback (and a new comment) arrives!

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