Admin Extras: Managing multiple Email Digests

Your Email Digest will alert you when your first response comes in—always a momentous moment in the life cycle of any survey. A quick link from this email lets you “Go to your dashboard” directly. And since the Delighted AI already knows who you are, you shouldn’t need to enter your password either. (What convenience!)

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After this first notification, you’ll automatically receive weekly Email Digests—whose job it is to keep your surveys top of mind. 

While Email Digests are great and all that, there is a potential that they may set off an email avalanche that may bury your inbox. If you manage multiple surveys, or if you trigger Email Digests with an array of Trends, you may be buried in Digests.  

This little guide will help you control the flow, so your Email Digests remain helpful and don’t become an annoyance, like unwanted calls from “Scam Likely.”

In this section

Controlling the blizzard of Email Digests

The Email digests can be a great tool if they are set up properly. However, if not calibrated, Digests can bury an inbox and turn things into a right mess. (Just look at this boondoggle!)

There are ways to control the blitz:

Click "Account."
Select "Email Digests"
Pick “View an example” to see a sample Digest. (Digests vary based upon the survey type.) This information may be of high (or low) value. Use your judgment to help calibrate how often Digests should be sent for a specific survey.
Change the frequency of the Digests by picking either Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Never.
  • Daily digests are sent each morning
  • Weekly digests are sent each Monday
  • Monthly digests are sent the first Monday of each month
  • Never!
Hit "Save changes."
Digest control for other users

Digest settings are user specific. Each user must adjust their own Digest frequency. They can even disable their own Digests. It's up to each user to make their Digests work for them.

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Saving time by managing multiple Digests

Email Digests can be time savers. Say you have multiple projects to monitor, as we do in this account. You may not have the time or the inclination to open each individual project to see how things are progressing on a daily, or weekly basis. (Heaven forbid.) Digests can save you time while still keeping you in your own information loop.  This is an actual example. Here we have 4 projects in one account. We broke it down to make it manageable!

To adjust multiple project digests: 

1. Click "Account"

2. Select "Email Digest" 

3. Adjust the Digest frequency for individual projects

    1. Daily: We need to be alerted every single day as people move through these checkpoints in their training. It's important to us to stay on top of these quizzes
    2. Weekly: These projects do not need to be addressed every day
    3. Monthly: We only review the data will be reviewed quarterly, so Digests once a month is just frequent enough to keep us on our toes. More frequent Digests would be overkill
    4. Never: We never want to receive an email digest for these projects
  1. After making all of the necessary adjustments, click "Save changes" 

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Retiring Email Digests (or not)

Some surveys wane over time. Some believe that they need to select Never in their Email Digest settings if their survey has been rendered inactive for a time. 

Not so. It may be best to never click ‘Never.’ That may be counterproductive for several reasons:

  • Someone may take a survey that your team thought was disabled, and yet it isn’t. Getting a surprise Digest is useful to help flag such oversights 
  • Plus, it’s unnecessary. Delighted will stop sending Email Digests if no results come in during the selected time interval, so why click Never? Delighted will tell you directly after the first interval where no results are recorded with a simple message such as the one seen below: 

If you don't receive new feedback in the very next week, the Digest will be paused. 

More importantly, Delighted will automatically resume the Digest if you do receive unexpectedly new feedback! (That’s comforting.)

One final note: At the bottom of any Digest email it says, “If you would like to stop receiving this Digest, you can turn it off.” Just click turn it off and there you go. Stopping the digest is as simple as that.

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